Thursday, June 4, 2015

A Prayer for the Broken

God, it's tough.

You know the statistics because You know everything that goes on in this broken-already-redeemed-but-waiting-for-Christ's-return world of (Y)ours.

I know from reading your Word that Your heart breaks for the victims - the widows, the orphans, those sold into slavery after You sent Your Son to free us from the chains of sin. And every day, we long for those chains, we long for Egypt because we don't know what is best for us. We don't know that although the desert is long, dry, and we are in want of water, you have a land flowing with milk and honey and everything our hearts truly desire waiting for us; and we forget that every single day, You provide us with exactly what we need.

And God, we long for everything else before we long for You.

We search for rest in things, in possessions, in sex, in drugs, in alcohol - only to be left exhausted.

We search for rest in controlling those we see as beneath us,
      in abusing others to make them fear us,
        in holding to our pride in thinking that we know exactly how we would have responded if                    something as tragic as THAT had happened to us.
Only to be left wanting more.

We search for rest in being quick to speak,
     in being slow to listen,
      in being quick to let our anger and vengeance pour out as wrath upon others when we, the finite,          puny beings we are, do not, can not, (should not?) know the depth of the depravity of others.
And then we decide that to make our wrath sound better, we will justify it, call it, "righteous anger,"
                forgetting that a part of righteous anger involves not sinning. 
"In your anger, do not sin."
"In your anger, do not belittle others."
"In your anger, do not let your pride best you."
"In your anger, do not forget to listen."
"In your anger, do not forget that the people whom you are angry with are as capable of sin as you are and that they deserve the same amount of grace as you do - that is to say, none."

For if any of us deserved grace, it would not be grace at all.

God, You have placed us in situations for our compassion to grow, so that we can become more like You. But in growing our compassion, our vision becomes biased. We take on so quickly the stories of others who have stories like ours to make them our story. We become hell-bent on seeking the justice that we never received, in doling out vengeance that we never got to share, and we so often forget that there are more people involved in abuse stories than the abusers themselves.

We assume that the same half-apology that we got as victims, the other victims received. 
"because it was true for me, it must be true for them."
We assume that the same path to forgiveness and healing we took, the victims must also take.
"because it worked for me, it will definitely work for them."
 We forget that a major part of empathy involves smashing down the walls of me/them, of us vs. them. 

We have tried amputating limbs off of Your body because of a broken bone instead of seeking the healing of the Great Physician. 

We have said carelessly, "Well, they aren't truly Christians," when we do not know their standing with You. 
We have judged irresponsibly, hurled insults because "they started it," and disassociated ourselves. We have refused empathy, kindness, and compassion. We have chosen justice over mercy forgetting that by doing so, we have become Pharisees - the white washed tombs. The same label that we use when talking about THEM - without knowing their standing with You.

We rejoice, realizing that they will have to account for their actions one day.
How sick of us to rejoice without realizing that we will also have to account for all of the hatred we have spewed.

1 in 4 women, God. 1 in 4 women will experience sexual abuse in their lives. And in America, only 2 percent... 2 PERCENT of those women will see their abuser brought to justice and in jail. 
In America, God, 15 percent of rape and sexual abuse victims are children. CHILDREN. 

Lord, I pray with the Psalmist - bring down your judgement on those who would abuse a child. Holy Spirit, stir within their hearts to bring them to their knees in true repentance. Let the glory of Your Son bring in them a holy desire to fear you and to pay the price for their actions. But let them turn to You.

Forgive us for forgetting that in Your kingdom, we will see those who have seriously wronged others - who have seriously wronged us - and yet have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, even if we didn't think that they made the "correct" amends. 

Help us to forgive those we see as "unforgivable."
Forgive us for determining the "correct" mode of forgiveness in other people's lives.
Forgive us for assuming.
Forgive us for choosing mercy over justice - thus telling the victims that what they went through doesn't matter because You've forgiven the abuser.
Forgive us for blatantly refusing to walk humbly with You, knowing that You are God and we are definitely not.

Help us to speak out for those who have been told to "be quiet," to "keep it our little secret," to, "don't speak because no one will believe you anyways."
Help us to hold justice and mercy in equal measures. 
Help us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

dear God, help us.