Monday, February 28, 2011


It is, officially, the first week of March. This month always makes me happy, for it holds hope and promise, a renewed remembrance that although life seems dead at the moment, life is coming soon. With life comes color, warmth, and a new form of beauty. Now I will honestly tell you that I am not a fan of winter. In my opinion, there's nothing worse than continual sickness, lack of vitamin D and no sunshine. My two favorite colors are teal and yellow - both scream "LIFE! SUMMER!" to me. And as soon as November hits, I see nothing but gray, white and brown. Even clothing styles and colors reflect the winter blues. Blacks, browns, greys, whites, dark reds, dark greens, dark blues - it makes me depressed. There's not much I like more in the winter than seeing people going against fashion and wearing bright colors. It makes me feel as though they're going against what nature says and choosing to be alive and colorful.

So when March 1 hits, although I know fully that Spring won't actually hit until April, I get excited. The possibility of life is in the air. I start waking up to sunshine and blue skies instead of the ever-present grey of winter. I become productive once again, for life is coming! My creative juices become thawed and start flowing again. The world becomes a place of opportunity, of dreams larger than life, of hope.

That's a small intro into who I am and what I like. I know I've been at Sunshine as an intern since September, and I haven't had the chance to get to know about 98% of you. But I desire to let you in on a little bit of who I am and what I hope to do through this blog. I hope to get to know some of you through comments. I urge you to read carefully, to respond honestly. I hope to provoke discussion. I hope to provoke thought.

I am a senior at the college across the street - Kuyper. I am a Music and Worship Studies major, hoping someday to go into ministry somewhere. Where God will lead me after I'm done here - who knows? I'm putting in resumes and applications all over the place, hoping that I can walk through some open door somewhere and start paying off the debt in which I've placed myself in getting an education. If you haven't been to church in a while, I play the piano and I sing. Little known fact - I'm teaching myself guitar, and it's taken me about two years to be able to do anything. I'm 21 - 22 on March 21st - and I don't like even numbers. I'm a fan of odd numbers - even more so, prime numbers. I can't wait to turn 23 because 23 is a prime number. My favorite numbers are 7, 13 and 21. I'm not sure why, they just are. I'm a poet, a lover of music (especially good music), a writer, a laugher, a lover. I'm crazy, spontaneous, and yet I love to plan things out and if something isn't planned, I get stressed. My philosophy is to plan for the future but to embrace the "now" moments for all they're worth.

This blog is to encompass a lot of things. I hope to promote discussion. I hope to learn. I hope to teach. I've learned a lot of things in my 3 years at Kuyper, and I want to teach you what I have learned. I hope to learn from different people who I hope to have also contribute to this blog. I hope to incorporate viewpoints from worship leaders, pastors, and artists about what worship is, who we worship, and why we worship, along with what role the arts play in worship.
In the course of 8 weeks, we will cover:
  • Visual Art (photography, painting, drawing, etc)
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Poetry as Liturgy
  • AND MORE!!!
 This blog will DEFINITELY be updated every Monday from now until April 25; HOWEVER, it may be updated more than once a week. Keep your eye out!
Even if you do not have a blogger account, I would LOVE your comments, and it is possible for you to comment! I have opened this up not only to the Sunshine world, but also to the World. Let me know your thoughts/opinions. We can learn from each other.

Happy reading!

-TheIntern, aka, Lisa.